Monday 9 March 2015

My mom, my anchor

  1. 1.
    courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone of lower social status.
    "a gracious hostess"

  1. 'copy and paste' directly from Google...because we all know that, yes, google knows everything (debatable) however, in this case, this is actual proper definition of 'gracious'
    You might wonder why I'm doing this...maybe not....regardless, Gracious is my mom's name. 
    She is all of the above and more!! 
    The best mother in the world....believe you me.
    I know today is not Mother's day or any special day for mothers but i decided to talk about my mom. She is special and important like that. 
    The amount of horrors she has gone through would crash a mere mortal's mind but yep, my mom survived with her mind intact and stronger than ever. I shall not dwell in the horrors for that is not my story to tell and besides, looking behind is totally absolutely boring....true.

    I will however, look into the present and think of the future. 

    Gracious Hlanga was born November '64 to 2 adorable parents (who also happen to  be my grandparents...yay!). I, unfortunately, never met my grandfather but they ALL speak very highly oh him. My grandmother on the other hand is still very much alive, pushing 93! Amazing woman that one, loved by ALL who meet her. 

    So, about my mom...all I want to say is she is beautiful, STRONG, loving, GRACIOUS, perfect, amazing and all things GREAT. She gave birth to 4 wonderful children who adore her to death. If there is 1 person I would literally take a bullet for, its my mom. Literally. I love her. 

    Weird thing is, I realised how much I love her when i moved away from home. She is the one person I missed the most (next to my siblings ofcourse). I still feel very empty without her presence. Everytime I speak to her (which isnot as often as i would like), I shed a tear! We chat on Whatsapp yes (thank heavens for social media...yes) but that's just not enough. 


    I love you mom, if you ever get to read this, YOU ARE THE BEST! I can write a book and more about how great she is and tell you ALL she has done and given up for my siblings and I, but it will never be enough. 
    I promise, I will be like you to all my children! I love you mom.

    If you love your mom, tell her everyday!

    Till next time:: xoxo

1 comment:

  1. beautiful shes just beautiful :) and this article is beautiful too
